Pay more attention to all the bite-sized videos you are watching.
Major decision rarely happens overnight.
If you touch a baby bird with your hands, will its mother reject it?
Do bulls get angry when they see the colour Red?
Are bats blind?
The answer to all the questions above is NO.
Though most people don’t make major decisions based on one video they watch, if we are exposed to too many videos of a similar type, we might be nudged and changed subconsciously.
With how all the algorithms on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, and Youtube are tuned, you are going to receive the same types of videos more frequently, creating a false sense of certainty about what are the things that are ‘trending’, what kind of thoughts are ‘superior’, what are the ‘right’ choices to make.
Some people (especially teens) lack the idea to do fact checks. The algorithm of these social media is going to affect teens more, as those are the prime-time people develop habits, attitudes, and worldviews. 20 years ago, children’s ambition is to be Astronaut, Police, President, Scientist. My friend’s younger brother that is 9 years old wanted to be a Youtube influencer. Those are the faces they see every day, the fun content that the influencer seems to be enjoying, and the popularity and recognition they gain because their peers talk about the influencer often.
Very few channels teach people proper content is as fun as Youtube content. The coming generations will join the world having very different perspectives that guide them in their decision-making.
Previous Post: TikTok Videos VS Youtube Shorts VS Facebook/ Instagram Reels. The rise of bite-sized content. What has changed and what hasn’t?